

My inner motivation is my most essential inspiration. It precipitates a creative interpretation, and it is the motor that allows me to see the world with creative lenses that help satisfy my need to bring beauty and harmony into the world.
Our inner wishes and emotions are expressed through design. We carry a silent conversation with each other just by observing the way we dress; a pose, what we wear, how we wear it, what we surround ourselves with, our home decor, etc.  This reflects our inner emotions and most likely our state of mind. Design becomes a really important communication tool not only to let know about you, your brand, and what you stand for, but as a subtle way of communicating in inter-personal relationships.
It is surface design, but there is nothing superficial about it. Few elements have the power of color and form; we want to experience them and realize them to elicit happiness, comfort and even health. Nature is another source of inspiration, the wilderness, the dew on a rose petal, a silence walk through a garden- cultivation of imagery to be translated into form and color – a harvest.
There are also the inner processes – including dreams – and the search for solutions and all of that is cause of inspiration. Sometimes, when the news are saturated by tragedies and unpleasant events that stress the collective mind of millions, I believe that events of sorts really inspires to create the total opposites, this is perhaps to create a psychological balance in our minds.
But what if inspiration can be felt during our daily life as well as when traveling to foreign lands and cultures? In the color of textiles of a tradition, a casual conversation in the city, or simply when listening to music, there it is, deciphered or perhaps un-decoded. I also find inspiration in my love for photography because to observe it is as important as to create, and to capture the world through the lens; especially of different magnitudes from the minute details of objects, like a tiny unpretentious flower, is all a fountain of inspiration.
But what is really important to find inspiration is to show up for work – to follow the magical routine of the every day – because inspiration also finds us when we are working. It sounds very romantic, but  it is a discipline. Inspiration will find us; it is everywhere. We just have to be open and curious as how the creative flow will run its course. Inspiration is an exchange, reactions, and actions because when we create; we bring more joy into our world.
Irela Fabiola Amato